Transfer SRR Ownership API (REST)


Executes blockchain transaction to transfer an ownership of an SRR to another Ethereum address.


HTTP Host Name


HTTPS POST: /api/v1/srr/{tokenId}/transferByReveal


Transfer SRR to a new owner providing a revealHash, the hash of matches the commitment given in the approval stage. / revealHash値を渡してSRRの所有権を移転します。


name: tokenId type: string example: 59531933 description: tokenId of SRR

Request Body

name: revealHash type: string example: 0x335929a4e59b0860ec04c620c1284dace74c00f7eadaadce7a18d6deba6c544e description: The key generated on Port Dashboard in advance for future transfer / Port ダッシュボード上で事前に生成したKey

name: to type: string example: 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE description: Next owner's EOA address. Both lowercase and mixed case which is compatible with EIP55 are accepted / 新所有者のEOA。小文字でも、EIP55に準拠した大文字・小文字混合でもどちらでも可。

Content Example


  "revealHash": "0x335929a4e59b0860ec04c620c1284dace74c00f7eadaadce7a18d6deba6c544e",
  "to": "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE"

Response Body

name: txReceiptId type: number example: 1 description: Unique number to identify the transaction on blockchain via Startrail-api